
Readers will have encountered peer production, at least in applications like Wikipedia, StackExchange, and free/libre/open source software development. Classmates will also be familiar with peeragogy, even if the name is unfamiliar. Simply put, peeragogy is active learning together with others. Participants in a peeragogical endeavor collaboratively build emergent structures that are responsive to their changing context. We learn and we adapt. Taking inspiration from the notable successes of peer production, we are using peeragogy to help design this dashboard, inside and outside this MOOC.



The Student ↈ Dashboard is an open source student‐level data aggregation tool enabling the collection and connection of data from multiple sources. Communities and students will be able to better organize academic and nonacademic data for analysis, service coordination, resource allocation, and continuous improvement. With data available by student, school, district, program, and service, this repository it will supports the practice of continuous improvement as well as evaluation and research.

Fork the repository on Github

Join us!! We are willing to learn and share with you.

Issues traker ♨